Multi-award-winning provider of innovative Telecoms and Omnichannel Communications services and solutions
Our Business Phone & PSTN Replacement Service delivers hassle-free migration to VoIP
Great for small retailers, domestic users, care homes, student accommodation, apartments, and more...
Don't let the BT switch-off stress you out. With PSTN Replacement Solutions, you can continue using your existing phone systems and future-proof your phone lines with ease!
Are you tired of worrying about the upcoming BT switch-off and the need to replace your existing phone system? Look no further than PSTN Replacement Solutions. Designed for home users and small retailers, these solutions allow you to carry on using your existing handsets and phone systems while future-proofing your phone lines for the switch-off.
So how do PSTN Replacement Solutions work? Simple! We provide customers with a router with an integrated analogue telephone adapter (ATA) or a multiport ATA and router for multi-line services. You then connect your existing handsets to these devices. We replace your phone line with a Multinet Mobile SIM that is connected to all four main mobile providers. These Multinet SIMS can only be used for our SIP Overlay service.
Our SIP Overlay service uses mobile data to make and receive VoIP calls using your existing handsets and landline number. It's that easy! And if you just want to use the SIP Overlay service with mobile handsets, you don't even need a router or ATA device. We can provision your service with a geographic landline number, and the same number can be shared with up to three mobile devices.
Our PSTN Replacement Solutions offer a range of features, including two channels, voicemail, call recording, call forwarding, DND, emergency services access, proactive network monitoring, and contact integration. They're perfect for school classroom extensions, hotels and serviced apartments, care homes, home users, shops and small retailers, lift line replacement, alarm line replacement, and fax line replacement.
NextLine LAN & NextLine Multinet PSTN Replacement - System Features
2 Channels
Call Recording
Call Forwarding
Proactive Network Monitoring
Emergency Services Access
Use with any Fixed Line or Mobile Data Service
Inclusive Calls
Multinet SIM (SIP Overlay) - all 4 Mobile Networks
Virtual Number
Fully Managed by Omni Communications
NextLine Geo - Additional System Features
UK Geographic Number & Mobile Number on Same Device
Same Geographic Number on upto 3 Mobile Devices
Contact Integration
Mobile App
NextLine Mobile - Additional System Features
UK Mobile Number on a Multinet SIM
Bundled Calls & SMS
Contact Integration
Mobile App
* NextLine Tariffs include Unlimited UK calls to 01, 02, 03 & 07 numbers.
**Unlimited UK Calls are subject to Fair Usage Policy.
*** NextLine SMS Bundles use SIP Overlay App. SMS sent directly from a Multinet SIM incur additional charges.
Calls to International, Non-geographic and Premium Rate numbers are NOT included and are charged monthly in arrears
Telephone: +44 (0)161 507 7999
Level One, Basecamp Liverpool, 49 Jamaica Street, Liverpool, L1 0AH
Omni Communications is here to help you simplify and grow. Get in touch with us today for personalised recommendations based on your business’s unique needs.
All Rights Reserved | OMNI Communications | Company No: 10805697 | VAT No. 271 9523 88
All prices listed are subject to VAT